Below are 5 Practices that really work to improve your resilience. And the best part is that they’re so easy, you can start them today.
These practices are derived from our latest, and most exciting, product called Resilience In A Box. CAFE Life is bringing resilience to your door with this pack of 80 cards. These cards address countless situations and scenarios, providing practices for each of them. When you engage these practices, you will create resilience. Equipped with easy 3 step practices and real-life examples, this box of cards is suitable for anybody from any walk of life.
Here are 5 practices that CAFE Life suggests you use to start your journey to resilience. And you only have to spend 5 - 10 minutes on each of them to feel a difference.

Nurture connection and write a message of gratitude to someone that’s blessed you. Not only does gratitude combat depression, but it also strengthens your relationships. You don’t have to send the message, but good things always come when you do.
Be accountable and tick something off before breakfast. When you complete something important to you early in the day, you’re going to feel like an absolute winner. You’ll feel accountable, capable, productive, and you’ll automatically set yourself up to win for the rest of the day. There are many benefits to being an early riser.
Create motion by taking a small step towards your dreams. What is a small, achievable step you can take every day that brings you closer to your desires or purpose? Maybe it’s writing a few words, or listening to an informative podcast, or booking some time in your day to brainstorm your big project? This practice is widely known as compound growth.
Broaden your perspective by challenging your beliefs. Convictions are beautiful and good. But we tend to think that if we question them, they’ll crumble. And yet, it’s actually the opposite. Question the grey areas of what you believe, read books, listen to podcasts, talk to people with opposing views, and do research. Either you’ll find your beliefs become deepened, or another great, eye-opening moment will show you that you need to dig deeper and discover more. Not only can it help you understand others, but perspective can also help you understand yourself.
Ignite your inner spark and move your body. Our body is meant to be moved, stretched, and used. Even if it’s 5 -10 minutes a day, your body will be thankful. Maybe it’s a quick ab workout, a stretch, yoga, or a jog. Not only does it make you feel more energetic and happier, but it has countless benefits in every area of your life.