Who We Are

CAFE Life is a coaching and facilitation company whose mission is to activate thriving teams through practical, relevant, and impactful engagements.

What We Do

Creating a work culture that stands strong within your organisation, upholding your values and encouraging your team to live out your culture every day.

Creating teams and organisations that are adaptable, resilient, and innovative within the face of challenge and change.

Creating team members who are engaged, adding value to your organisation and supporting their team. 

How We Do It

We provide digital and in-person facilitated engagementscoaching, and resources that will help you achieve desired outcomes and sustain growth for years to come. We strive to ensure that every engagement is fresh and innovative, where we create a space that ignites change through vulnerabilitylearning, and upliftment.

A thriving team = a thriving business.

Now more than ever, teams are taking strain and fatigue is overpowering performance. Our world is starting to realise one fundamental truth:

Your team is your biggest asset.

Discover the wealth of potential within today.



Resilience In A Box

The little box of big change…A practical set of cards that can be applied daily that prompt a resilient way of being.

How the question changes everything


How the Question Changes Everything

A coffee table style book that supports people to engage transformational questions.

Playfully Engaged Book


Playfully Engaged

A book that provides practical thoughts for both individuals and teams to find the wealth of opportunity around.

Our name symbolizes our ethos and style.

We know that in order to have transformational experiences, you need to slow down and connect with your resourcefulness. This allows you to move past disruption and failure and in turn, discover your potential and endurance. Our coaching and facilitations are likened to the experience of coffee-stop moments. From places of ease and playfulness, we discover bottomless opportunity, percolate on your resourcefulness, and find meaning, growth and influence within the challenges and changes of our world.

The legacy of CAFE Life is Gold Digger CCA where its metaphorical name focused on curiosity to discover the wealth of potential within. In 2018 Gold Digger was re-branded as CAFE Life.


Our processes are designed around what we believe our customers most value…

  • Autonomy focusing on adult to adult engagement
  • Practical application and habit creation
  • Empirical evidence and research
  • Relevance based on context
  • Freshness and simplicity
  • Playfulness and ease
  • Trustful partnerships
  • Time

The transformation shows through...

  • Increased employee engagement
  • Increased relational connection
  • Increased resourcefulness
  • Perception changes
  • Increased energy
  • Lifestyle changes

Our Customers

Our customers range from large multinational corporates, to small business, to schools and churches, to individuals, including…


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